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Re:- cookies and privacy

> From: Rob Hartill <hartill@ooo.lanl.gov>
> As more people work out how to disable cookies, you'll find this method
> will fail more. I now reject all cookies unless I see that I need them.
> If you start collecting information on me, I see it straight away and
> reject the cookie.

Nice if you can live with it but our experience is that it doesn't work
for regular users.

We had cookies turned off but saw only yesterday the frustration of
one who hit a site and was suddenly faced with 8 or more cookie
accept dialog boxes. The site was basically unusable (and attracted lots
of cursing from the user) then they turn cookies on despite not
wanting to.

There should be a mechanism so a site will only ask once - the user said
no 10 seconds ago and will probably do so this time. Would anti cookies be
just as bad?

Most people give more away in their sig than a cookie can ;-)


Brandon Butterworth         phone: 01737 836592
BBC Research & Development  fax:   01737 832336
Kingswood Warren, Tadworth  email: brandon@rd.bbc.co.uk
Surrey, KT20 6NP            URL:   http://www.bbc.co.uk/